A Very Long Month
|Yes, just a bit more than a month since my last update out here. This has been quite the month so far. Most of it dealing with personal issues, specifically my mom passing away at the beginning of the month. I have learned that even though I don’t think I deal with loss very well, in reality, I am doing better than expected.
The last time I dealt with a loss was in December 2003, when one of my best friends died (he was hit by a car in front of his home). It took some time to adjust, as we were pretty close and not being able to call him on the phone as often as I did left quite the void. I called my mom at least four times a week (it ended up being three times a day the last few weeks of her life) and I feel that void pretty heavy now. But as with time, it gets easier to deal with.
So with another week left to April 2006, it will be nice to see the month come to a close. Watch for more from me next month. Thanks for your patience.