Boy, have I been a slacker. Well, not really. Today was a particuarly low point in my life, as far as finaces go. Not only am I so out of cash, I’ve got two missed credit card payments (all 3 of my low credit limit cards are full, BTW) but I’ve got several other bills due. Yeah, I know… Boo Freakin’ Hoo!! But trust me on this one, I’m not one to boob or bitch about money issues to people… let alone the entire WWW. So, with that in mind, and after sending out some 60 or so resumes in the last 2 weeks with no bites at all, I decided to join the ranks of the Internet scavengers and ask for donations (including the all-so-common PayPal Donate button). Each week, I’ll post a new update on my shitty financial life and how well it’s going. I’m optimistic in general, but I don’t expect much until the seach engines catch my new changes and META name tags. Meanwhile, the rest of this week will be spent making changes to my site (, including posting some photos and getting my latest resume online. Any job leads are much appreciated. Times are tough, but anything would help at this point.
Author: admin
Olympic Torch Relay
At 10:55am MST, the Olympic torch came within 2 blocks of my house. With 3 inches of snow on the ground, I pakced on the clothes and went over to the corner of 5400 S. and Redwood Rd. There was a decent crowd there. I took my digital camera, so i’ll be posting some pics on my web site ( ) shortly. My girlfriend is an Olympic volunteer, so there’s some excitement at the house. They have her working late at night. In fact, she’ll be working tonight during the Opening Ceremony, so my job is to tape it (all 3 hrs of it!). Anyway.. back to the torch… I’ll most likely get to see it again this afternoon, over near my daughter’s place, which is about 3 miles from where I live. So, more pics of that may be posted on my site.