Not that anyone may have noticed, but this site was completely down from mid-morning Wednesday Nov 21st till Friday (today) Nov 23rd, bringing it back online just a couple of hours ago.
I was forced to move web hosting companies this week due to a change that my previous hosting company – My Domain – made that broke both of the WordPress blogs I hosted on their site. Working one minute, then once moved to their “new platform” they were not working. After three 40 minute phone calls, there was no resolution. I was simply told “the upgrade hasn’t finished yet. Things will work once it’s done.”
Well, I patiently waited hours – a good 24 hours to be exact and still nothing. So on Thanksgiving Day, I moved to Dreamhost. They had a one day deal that was hard to pass up.
The odd part about this is that I could still get into my WordPress Dashboard, with the database intact and operating properly. The main page was the PHP code from the index.php file [if you were viewing it from Google Chrome] or a blank page [if you were viewing it from Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer] , which for some reason wasn’t executing the PHP code and bringing up the blog posts.
Still need to move my other blog – Adult Beverages – which remains down. In my efforts to not put every blog I have with a single hosting company, I am looking at a couple other providers that should be able to meet my needs without spending a lot of time and money.