Tag: t-shirt

New Chilly Willy T-Shirts

new chilly willy shirt
The words of the Chilly Willy cartoon theme song

I recently had to retire my lone Chilly Willy t-shirt as it just wore out after many years of wearing it. But as I mentioned in that post, I had ordered new Chilly Willy shirts. And here they are.

new chilly willy shirt
Chilly Willy fishing while keeping his butt warm in the frying pan

I have yet to wear the new shirts, but they are in my regular rotation of t-shirts so they will be going out in the public to show people my favorite cartoon penguin.

RIP Chilly Willy T-Shirt

chilly willy t-shirt
This shirt lasted a long time

I do not recall how long I’ve had this Chilly Willy t-shirt, but it has to be at least 12 years. Maybe longer.

It finally wore out enough to where it is not wearable anymore. At least in public.

I ordered two new Chilly Willy t-shirts and once I get them, I will post pics of them here.