Normally I post this kind of thing over on Banal Leakage, but I’m distracted with the ongoing project of posting my European Vacation daily updates from July. Playing catch up over there still.
So as part of that distraction, I found this on a few of my Facebook friend’s pages. Enjoy.
1. Do you make your bed every day? My wife does most days.
2. What’s your favorite number? 29. It’s a roulette thing.
3. What is your dream job? Filmmaker
4. If you could, would you go back to high school? Never
5. Can you parallel park? Kind of.
6. A job you had which people would be surprised to know you had? Sold meat door to door
7. Do you think aliens are real? Pretty much.
8. Can you drive a stick shift? Yes.
9. Guilty TV pleasure? The Simpsons
10. Any Tattoos? Two, of Chilly Willy the penguin (this blog’s namesake)
12. ONE thing people do that drives you crazy? Judge and criticize others they don’t know
13. Do you have any birthmarks? I don’t remember. Seriously, don’t remember.
14. Favorite childhood game? Trouble
15. Do you talk to yourself? A lot
16. Do you like doing puzzles? I do, but it’s one of those “been years” things
17. Music genre? Everything but country.
18. Tea or coffee? Coffee, with green or chai tea every so often.
19. The first thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up? A writer