Category: Home

Brushing Away The Cobwebs

Looking at my posting history here, it’s pretty barren around these parts. Plus with no one really commenting out here, there’s no real urgency to post on a regular basis.

But regardless, I still will keep this blog alive. I am looking at changing the WordPress theme to something that supports version 3.0 [this particular theme I have now doesn’t support 3.0… I know, cause I did the update and it didn’t work]

I will try to have a post out here once a month, most likely posted from my iPad using BlogPress, which is a cool app that allows me to post without sitting at a computer.

So for those few that visit here, thanks for sticking it out.

All New Stone Temple Pilots

STP new album artwork

Being the big Stone Temple Pilots fan I am, it should be no surprise to see a new post here in almost six months.

The new album, “Stone Temple Pilots” [self-titled] hits retail and digital stores on May 25, 2010. The first single from the album “Between The Lines” can be heard on local and satellite radio on Monday, March 22, 2010.

And they are on tour this year, hoping they do a Utah date. Cause I’ll be there for sure.

STP Links


The End of Summer

Well, another summer ended here in Utah.

It was a short summer, with most of the month of June being filled with rain and cold. September has proven to be mostly nice, and I’m sure October will have some nice days. But before we know it, winter will rear its cold and ugly head and filled the roads with ice and snow.

I don’t post much out here anymore, but every so often, I get a small bit of words that I want to keep here.

With three blogs I currently maintain: Banal Leakage, It’s Just Marty and this site, with each blog covering it’s own set of rules and types of posts that I make it to each one. Someday, I hope that whatever it is that keeps me from properly balancing the content I produce will break itself free, allowing me to post whatever I wish to these and future blogs I have.

When Will Summer Start?

I am looking forward to summer and all of the fun activities that happen during summer: riding the scooter, going to concerts [Depeche Mode comes here on August 25th], traveling, camping, laying out, swimming, BBQs, hiking, walking, working in the yard and so much more. But until this rain decides to leave the Salt Lake City area, I’m stuck just making plans for summer.

The official start of summer is June 21st, so we’ll see if all this weird and wild weather calms down before then.

Nothing’s Shocking: The (2009) Return of Jane’s Addiction

♫ Jane Says…
if he comes back again…
Tell him to wait right here for me ♫

Jane's Addiciton
Photo found on


Well, they look older than that photo above [sorry, no current photos, or at least I couldn’t find one that showed the whole band together]. But such exciting news. And they are on tour with Nine Inch Nails, for what sounds like their final tour ever.

A couple of dates have been announced so far: Sasquatch! Music Festival at the Gorge in Washington state and Bonnaroo in Tennessee [just NIN at this fesitval, not Jane’s]. More dates will be announced soon.

This is one of those concert moments that if you miss it, you will kick yourself all over the place for years for not making the effort to go.


Here’s another photo that I liked [even though Flea wasn’t an original member]:
Jane's Addiciton
Photo found on

2009 – A New Year

I don’t update this site very much, mostly due to my main blog, Banal Leakage, getting most of the attention.

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year for everyone. I’ll post some more updates here shortly.