The words of the Chilly Willy cartoon theme song
I recently had to retire my lone Chilly Willy t-shirt as it just wore out after many years of wearing it. But as I mentioned in that post, I had ordered new Chilly Willy shirts. And here they are.

Chilly Willy fishing while keeping his butt warm in the frying pan
I have yet to wear the new shirts, but they are in my regular rotation of t-shirts so they will be going out in the public to show people my favorite cartoon penguin.

My collection of penguin items
This is the display of what I have collected over the years in penguins.
So many that I have tried to fit into the bookshelf cubbies. There is an official Chilly Willy stuffed in there.
The latest is at the top right on the very top shelf. My sister-in-law does crochet and made that for me for my upcoming 60th birthday next week.
This is most of them. I know I have others that are in boxes still.

This shirt lasted a long time
I do not recall how long I’ve had this Chilly Willy t-shirt, but it has to be at least 12 years. Maybe longer.
It finally wore out enough to where it is not wearable anymore. At least in public.
I ordered two new Chilly Willy t-shirts and once I get them, I will post pics of them here.

Kiss Me
Blogger friend Kapgar has been wanting to see my Chilly Willy collection. I thought starting with the Christmas ornaments and a snow globe would be a good place to start.
There were a series of these ornaments. I thought I had more than 2, but I guess not. Or perhaps the others got lost in the various moves I’ve done over the last 20 years.

Happy Holidays
You can’t see it from the front view, but the red hat round ball broke off sometime ago. You would think over the years sitting in the box for 11 months, these things would still be intact. But I guess maybe it got knocked off the tree and hit the floor.

the boxes for the above two ornaments
I really can’t recall when I got these. I want to say it’s been the better part of 20 years. There are no dates on the boxes. And they are worn from being taken in and out of the storage container they are kept in, even thought it’s only twice a year.

Snow Globe – Chilly
The snow globe was a good find. I believe I found this one at a Christmas gift shop. The front side shows Chilly Willy…

Snow Globe – Woody
….. and the back side shows Woody Woodpecker.
More Coming Soon
I have other Chilly Willy items that I’ve not posted out here before. Once I find them and take pictures, I will add another blog post.

Time to upgrade from PHP 7.2 to PHP 7.4
Back in May, I was forced to finally make the giant leap from PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.2. Now we are at PHP 7.4, which is still not the most recent version, but it’s at a stable and supported version.
A theme switch and tweaked settings inside the theme have this site back to looking better and more like a completed blog site than a work in progress, given that this blog has been around for almost 20 years.
The theme is now the same Point theme that I use over on my main blog. So that makes ongoing changes easier. And with a new post that is ChillyWilly subject-based for the Christmas holiday, maybe this long overdue cleanup of this blog will have more regular posts.

Time to upgrade from PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.2
When your web hosting company sends you an email with a date of when they no longer support PHP 5.6 AND your WordPress panel keeps reminding you that your PHP is out of date, it’s time to make changes. I’ve had the previous Theme in use for years and switching to PHP 7.2 broke the theme.
So now I have this theme that I am trying to customize to look good. In the meantime, it will not look so good. Once I can find the right options, I can get this site looking better once again.
Until the next PHP upgrade forces a switch to a compatible Theme.

At some point in collecting bonus credits, points and loyalty rewards, there will be expired points. Some expire after a year, but the most common expiration time frame is 6 months. Thus that’s what I experienced when I logged into my Buffalo Wild Wings rewards program called Blazin’ Rewards.
It’s not that I don’t like Buffalo Wild Wings, but more that I don’t make it there that often. There’s not a location near my work and the closest location to my home is just far enough away that makes it a choice that doesn’t get the up vote that often.

660 points is not enough to get most of the rewards, but I’d hate to always start from zero every 6 months.
I found the email form on the Blazin’ Rewards site to send a nice and professional response asking if there was an option to restore the points. And as the above image shows, I received a response a couple of days after I sent my email with a Goodwill Expiration points restore. I’m guessing this is a one time thing, so I must add a visit to Buffalo Wild Wings at least once every 5 months. And given their menu variety, I think I can find something I like.