Consultant, by default
|So, it’s time for an update. Didn’t get the customer service job. Was hoping for it, but pretty much knew that it was too hard to hide 17 years of IT and network administration experience. Did get another client this last week.. Same way I got my first…. they had the the same consultant who wasn’t returning 10 days worth of calls. So, it’s time to finally admit the economy for IT people sucks ass and take advantage of the computer needs that companies still have. Three more clients and I can see the reality of starting to make it. Sure would be nice. It was pretty embarrasing at the store with my 6 one dollar bills and 3 bucks in change and was still $0.41 cents short. But a nice cashier at the Murray Smith’s gorcery store (thanks Sandy… I don’t know you, but I owe you for your kindness) made the night better. If you are reading this, sorry about all the shit I talk about in my life. It’s not been pretty lately and it’s pretty much all that goes on in my life. But once I get ahold of things, my ramblings here will be more exciting to read. Just bear with me and put up with my boring ass shit tales.